Sunday, September 9, 2007

A Very Special Tabula Rasa Event....

Message from General British:

Attention AFS Soldiers!

We have received intel that indicates the Bane are preparing for a massive invasion force tomorrow, September 8, 2007. Our surveillance team reports that the enemy appears to be planning to deploy in the Wilderness area. It’s going to be messy out there. You may expect the worst, but know that we will be led by one of our best and brightest – SFC Sara Morrison.

Report to Wilderness at 8:00PM to 10:00PM, Central Time.

So, yesterday, in order to test the servers, the folks at TR staged a gigantumongous Bane invasion ripe with Juggernauts, Stalkers and Predators. The GMs were having a field day dropping all sorts of level 20-30 monstrosities in the 1-10 area. Good times were had!

At least, that is what I heard from those who got to play because, like many others, I wasn't able to log in. Correction, I was logged in and then when the first group of sexiness dropped, everything stalled to a halt and I got the dreaded Python something error and my game crashed.


I had to do *gasp* real life stuff. BASTARDS! How could they!?

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