Friday, September 21, 2007

Star Ocean 4: Tokyo Game Show 2007 Tidbits




 今年の5月に開催された「SQUARE ENIX PARTY 2007」で開発中であることは発表されていたが、今回のオープンメガシアターでついにムービーが公開された。「スターオーシャン1」よりもはるか昔、宇宙暦0010年が物語の舞台になるようで、無限の宇宙に浮かぶ巨大なコロニーがスクリーンに映し出された。そこには無数の戦闘機が隊列を組んで飛び交い、これから巻き起こるであろう壮絶かつ新たな戦いが想像できる。そして場面は、いくつもの小島が浮かぶ惑星へと変わっていく。そのひとつの小島には、1組の男女が佇んでいた。青年が小島にある遺跡に触れた瞬間、彼の手の甲に紋章が浮かび上がる。彼らはいったい何者なのか。そして新たに紡がれる物語の行方は ――。

 今のところ発売日や価格はおろかハードも未定だが、ムービーのクオリティの高さから考えるとPS3かXbox 360が候補だろうか? ぜひ続報に期待したい。

My quickie translation:

Hardware: Undetermined "Star Ocean IV"
--Release Date: Undetermined
--Price: Undetermined

Although its development had been previously reported during the "Square Enix Party 2007" that took place in May, 2007, its movie finally played across the big screen of the Open Mega Theatre [at TGS]. It seems that the setting will take place years before "Star Ocean I," Space Year, 0010, where huge colonies float amidst the endless backdrop of the universe. A battalion of of attack craft appear on the scene, and one can imagine the sort of large scale battle that is about to take place. From there, the scene shifts to a galaxy dotted with a number of small floating islands. On one of these small islands, a young man and woman stand. The moment the young man touches one of the ancient monuments on the island, a emblem appears upon the back of his hand. Who are these two figures? And in what direction will this newly spun tale take--?

Though the hardware is still undetermined at this point, along with the release date and pricing, the highe quality of the movie shown seem to suggest the PS3 or XBOX 360 perhaps? Cant' wait to see more!

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