Thursday, September 20, 2007

Superman: Doomsday (Animated Movied) Review





I'm not a big comic geek (I liked "Sandman," "Preacher," "Kingdom Come" etc). But I sure as hell kept up with the "Death and Return of Superman" arc.

Apparently, the makers of this animated movie did not. Well, they got the "Death" and "Return" part done. Oh, and they remembered to put Superman in it too (+1). But that was about it. I don't even know where to start, so here are some peeves in random order:

--Doomsday looks like he went on Jenny Craig to attract the ladies. He's what now? A size 2? 4?
--No Man of Steel.
--No Cyborg Superman.
--No Last Son of Krypton.
--Kinda not really Super Boy.
--No Super Girl.
--No Justice League.
--No Blue Beetle getting his ass whupped like a dirty bitch. (OWNED!)
--No Booster Gold getting his ass whupped like a dirty bitch. (x2)
--Funeral? What funeral? Superman died...and then I accidentally looked away while I was killing something in a game and ZOMGZ, wait, he's back? (I thought the DVD skipped.)
--Adam Baldwin as Superman...HUH? WHAT? Did he even care? He sounds like a creepy perv in a Japanese train.
-Anne Heche as Lois Lane. I think she's sucking on a cotton ball when she's reading her lines (or some other balls since she's not a lesbian anymore.)
--Jame Marsters as Lex Luthor. No. You're Spike! DO NOT WANT!
--Terrible ass animation. Please, hire some Koreans.

There's more but then you might get the impression that I didn't like the movie. (WRONG SUCKAHS. I hated it.)

Anyhoo, here is what the movie did right:

--Superman is spelled correctly.
--Kevin Smith cameo.
--Lex Luthor trying to get some from Lois Lane and getting rufi'd in return. (WIN.)
--Lots of blood and action.

Enjoy if you're not a big comic book stickler (it's not bad if you're watching it stand alone), but for me, the best and memorable parts of the arc were forgotten/left out/changed.

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