Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hellgate London: Some Visual Goodness From Across the Pond


Unknown said...

Gotta agree HGL is damned fun! Too bad my tv company is having a fit and I've had to resort to dialup (cries)... Back to the single-player.

Gamer Girl said...

Once you get back on line, feel free to hit me up for uber loot runs! We've got it down to a science! A science of loots!

Unknown said...

I'm all for sweet loot... Was gonna give it a try on dialup but keep getting that damn error with teh connection server or whatever when finishing up patching. Alas, god hates me! Keep me updated on whats you're doing though since I'm pretty much having to live my online experience vicariously through you... Hope that isn't wierd or anything.

Unknown said...

OHHHH damn! So whoddathunkit with Heroes?!? Probably starting to annoy the shit out of you with the comments but what can I say, I'm bored... Damn good episode though, well back to studying pharmacology(damn you Albuterol, damn you!)

Gamer Girl said...

No! I haven't watched it yet! <3 football, even when crappy teams are playing. Anyhow, I saved you a candy apple.


Unknown said...

Schweet candy apple! So just noticed you do accounting? Ugh! I commend you for that, before switching majors I was a few classes from a Bachelor's in Bus/Accounting... God I hated it too. Anyway on to class!

Gamer Girl said...

Oh that was a mistake because I never bothered checking. I translate comic books.

As for thanks. The only thing I know how to count is ammo...for all mah head shot booms!