Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Call of Duty 4: First Impressions...

That's the view from the heli.

And then, you jump off and blow up shit.


Controls take a bit of getting used to after playing BF2142/UT3/Crysis, but after I switched some shit around (I don't like having my watermelon killer on V) it was on!

It recommended me for Hard Core after the obstacle course but...don't do it. I got my ass handed to me and had to restart on normal (after licking my wounds). *sniffles*

Anyhoo, it's fun, and the single player so actually good. As in, I feel like I'm watching a movie of me head shot booming folks. (Although to be quite honest, usually it's me getting head shot boomed.)

I was waiting for my friends to play multi-player with me so another report after that!

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