Friday, October 12, 2007

Chronicles of Spellborn: Release Date, Publisher Info

This was posted by Mirage, the Global Community Manager on the official TCoS boards:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:14 am Post subject: Spellborn: Project Update!

Hi TCoS Community,

Time for an update on this little project of ours! The update will deal with three important topics and come to think of it, they all bring good news!

As you might have noticed already on our forums, a press release sent by Frogster Germany has been posted mentioning a new timeframe for the TCoS release. The mentioned delay is indeed correct and the new release period will indeed be Q1 2008. This extra time will gives us some more flavour content and give us more time to QA all features. Next to that it also gives our publishers time for an extensive upcoming marketing effort.

Talking about our publisher, I’m very proud to break some news to you that will be very good news for the community. We recently finalized a historic deal with a Japanese partner! Frogster issued a press release which you can find here:
This new deal is one of the largest ever made for the Japanese PC market. This is not only excellent news for the development and publishing parties, for this new partnership clearly shows the anticipation around TCoS on a worldwide scale, but we couldn’t have expected anything better for our game. Yatta!

To conclude this update, I’d like to share a major achievement for the game, specifically in terms of Tech, which happened recently. For the past weeks we’ve been actively performing different series of stress-tests to check and test the progress made in server and network stability.

You most likely have encountered in your past or even present gaming experiences serious downtimes or even server crashes when many players gathered in the same place. This can be very frustrating and I dare say annoying if it happens on a large scale. Brace yourselves, because during one of our internal stress tests we simulated more than 500 players in real gaming conditions in one single zone (Hawk’s Landing/Hawksmouth) without any crashes or other downtime. This might not look so extraordinary at first glance, but trust me, for a game with heavy action-based combat and such AI; this is one heck of a feat for an MMO. This might even mean we might not need the “silent instancing/copying system” mentioned on the forums in the past (take that with great care, we still need to assess such possibilities). So not only is it a great achievement, it is also very, very, good news! This marks our truly professional and amazing cooperation between our in-house devs and the Korean reinforcements. Way to go guys!

That’s it for this update. I want to personally thank all of you Community Members for your support. This is very much appreciated (even more than you think), especially now the release is getting really close. This is the final dash before the finish line, and we’re delighted to have you on our side till the end!

For the Oracle!


Now cut to the stickied FAQs and:

Question What about USA? I read game might be released in EU first?

We still cannot disclose details about our American publishers, since deals haven't been finalized yet. Our goal is to release the game at same time for all countries, however it still depends on our partners.


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