Monday, October 22, 2007

Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern = Just Makes Me Hungry

I was watching this show called "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern" on the Travel Channel and I have to say, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE.

Somewhere along the line, octopus (and tripe) become bizarre, and if so, a pox on you!

Takoyaki (wheat balls with octopus) = heaven:

Try it won't you?

Here are his top 10 bizarre foods:

--Durian is an extremely odoriferous fruit with custard-like flesh.
--Klia is a mystery meat that is salted, dried and preserved in its own fat.
--Mangrove Worms live off of dead wood pulp – they are eaten raw.
--Callos is a casserole made with blood sausage and tripe.
--Coconut Grubs is larvae that live in dead palm trees.
--Menudo is soup made with tripe and beef hearts.
--Goose Intestines on Bean Sprouts is essentially Goose guts.
--Nutria in Sauce Piquant is a large semi-aquatic rodent.
--Soup No. 5 is a soup made from the back and testicles of a bull.
--Haggis is sheep heart, lungs, liver mixed with oatmeal and stuffed in the sheep's stomach bag.

I saw a commercial of him wretching over stinky tofu or something so I'm sure that'll replace something on the list later.

Somehow these are all "bizarre" compared to half the shit we eat in the States. Like, fuckin' Leopard Twinkies or whatever the hell they're called. Oh, that's not fucked up at all? (They're the twinkies with chocolate chips in them.)

I'm afraid of worms though so no larva for me. I'll let that Bear guy from the Discovery Channel eat them instead.

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