Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PC): MOVE IN!! HUSTLE!!

Alright, I'm not gonna' lie. It's not as pretty as the other games out there and the online multi-player is a total gamble as to whether you can connect or not, but I stayed up until 3 AM yesterday having a blast playing the damn thing. (Well fuck, I finally found a server I could connect to with a friend after all, so I had to take advantage of that, didn't I?)

You see, the problem is, right now the online play sucks ass. It's fun when it works--stress on WHEN, IF, GOD FORBID IT EVER WORKS--but more often than not, it doesn't. One of the reasons I picked up the damn game is because a few of us were hoping to set up online games and do a bit of coop terro hunting. Of course, that didn't work really well when one of us couldn't connect to the UBI server at all, and the two that could connect to the game server couldn't connect to each other. So we ended up having to play single player pretending it was co-op. Pretty sad, yes, but when the apparent self-fix is to get rid of every single firewall in existence what can you do?

On the other hand, the single player is pretty good. Control yourself and two minions against well armed terrorists threatening to blow Vegas sky high, and if you're lucky, the minions, aka, douchebags, don't throw a flash bang into the back of your head stunning you and getting you kilt (oh, was that too specific and revealing?) Take cover behind walls and other solid objects, shoot around corners or peek out and blow the terro bastards to high heaven with an incendiary frag. This is not the type of game to become an hero at by running out and mowing down dozens of baddies at once. Nope, you gotta' take your time and set up to kick ass, gain experience, all in order to unlock the precious precious pink camo set. (Oh yeah, you can also unlock weapons and other shit, but who the fuck cares when you can be pink.)

According to the boards, Ubi's working on a solution but I ain't holding my breath. I'll just consider it ANOTHER $50 lesson against optimism. But that won't stop me from racking up experience towards unlocking all the armour, weapon and outfits, whilst waiting ever so patiently for AOC.

1 comment:

Nyke said...

lol, nice blog, pretty creative. I've just created a blog of my own and I haven't got it looking as live as yours. How long have you done this? About anime, do you watch Naruto? Do you agree that Sasuke is the best? lol
As for MMORG, have you ever played Tibia?
Tibia rox lol
