Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Movies: The Forbidden Kingdom (Oooocha ooocha)

I don't normally go to movies anymore (i.e., waste precious precious gaming greens on anything other than stupid ass games), but somehow I got suckered into watching "The Forbidden Kingdom" in a real live theatre. Thankfully, I didn't have to pay, or else I might have been sad.

Now, I love Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and of course, "Journey to the West" is one of my fave novels. But the only Monkey King wannabe there should have been was Jackie, the Water Demon Yuen Biao and the pig naturally Sammo in their prime. Fuck, I'd even let Anita Mui be the monk. (RIP.)

Anyhow, the movie is kinda' like "the Neverending Story," without a flying dog dragon, racing snail or sneezing turtle whore. Bastian's role is played by some kid named Michael Angarano and really, the writers should have found a way to kill him off or not put him in at all (like write "Sky High 2" and have his schedule be conflicting.) That way Jackie and Jet could have made a real movie together instead of being the sidekicks, because I actually enjoyed when the two of them were working together.

The folks in the theatre seemed to love the movie and were laughing their asses off, but I was more focused on not eating all the popcorn. I guess it's meant to be a kids/family movie and my sorry ass is just too old anymore. (Wahaha.) The occasional references/nods to other legit Kung Fu movies like "Drunken Master" and "Bride with White Hair" were definitely nice though. :) I didn't notice a blooper reel though like most Jackie movies have.

I do know that a cam copy is going around there somewhere if you know where to look....

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