Tuesday, April 29, 2008

AOC: Be Prepared & Patch Early!

Just as an FYI, if you want to go ahead and patch the game before the actual OB period starts, the patch servers are working.

I kinda' recommend it if you have a slooooooooow or iffy connection to begin with as I'm sure they'll be getting hammered on May 1st. I have a pretty good connection and while I started downloading the huge ass patch at 450-500, that dropped pretty quick to around 150. (Leave it on over night as it took about 30 or so min.)

Don't say I didn't warn you!

And now, to go finish my work.

p.s. Got everything done on my part including my account registration. Some people were having trouble figuring out where to do this so go to:


And put in your beta key and create your account.

Additionally, don't be shocked if you get a "black screen" with music playing when you first launch the game. What you want to do is go into your AOC folder, find the Simple Configuration EXE, execute it and tick off full screen mode. Relaunch your game and it will show up in windowed mode. You can then go back to re tick the full screen mode.


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