Monday, April 14, 2008

AOC: The Open Beta Rumour Mill

So friends, as you know, I recently found out my FilePlanet account was active, so I've been poking around the site lately. The past few days, there's been a suspicious looking link to the "Age of Conan" mini site lately, with an url which reads:

Now, there's been some speculation on the vast intranets that this is some sort of implication that beta keys to AOC will be distributed through "FilePlanet." (If you notice, all the beta giveaways have been under the promotions subsection.)

So what do we think? Should we get all excited and check FilePlanet every freakin' day? Will "Rainbow Six Vegas 2" and "Dreamlords" be enough to tide us over if it really is all wishful thinking? And why the fuck did Bret Michaels pick Ambre over Daisy!?

Meanwhile, I must go on to my next post and make a startling confession...!!

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