Saturday, January 5, 2008

Originality Quest?


So, two guys (one a smaller dude, the other bigger, bald dude) travel to a bunch of different countries to train in the martial arts there...and then after a week of training, there's a big fight between a champion of that particular martial arts versus one of the two aforementioned guys?



Okay, so the premise of "Fight Quest" ain't the MOST original, but as a martial arts lover, I had to check it out. To be honest, it ain't bad at all. Lots more blood and brutality than "Human Weapon," and the two hosts aren't as pussitastic as Jason Chambers and Bill Duff. Gonna' check out a few more episodes as I hear the Kali episode is a blood bath.


And yes, they're like at the same time on Friday nights. Only "FQ" is on Discovery while "HW" is on the History Channel.

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