Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Oh Noes!? No Justice League Movie?

According to RT that in turn quotes IESB:

Justice League of America Pushed Back?

Warner Bros. execs rumored to be unhappy with the cast.
Remember how Warner Bros. was supposed to make a big announcement a couple of weeks ago, introducing the cast of George Miller's Justice League of America? What happened with that, anyway?

According to a report published yesterday at IESB, all is not well behind the scenes of JLA -- in fact, the site's sources say that production has been delayed. From the article:

"Justice League is indeed in danger of not starting production on time, and maybe even getting scrapped altogether. The concerns are that the script is not ready to go in front of cameras, and also that the budget is getting a bit out of control. The WGA strike has proven to be Kryptonite to Superman and friends."

IESB says the Justice League cast is "locked," but one of the report's sources claims that "the execs know it's mediocre." The scoop from another tipster is similarly grim:

"Justice League has been pushed back to at least April or May, and possibly a start date as late as June or July...that is, of course, if the movie doesn't get scrapped altogether."

It bears mentioning that the JLA gossip has always run hot and cold -- one week, we're hearing rumors about the picture being fast-tracked; the next, it's just the opposite -- but IESB's Justice League sources have proven fairly reliable thus far. Maybe we won't be hearing that big casting announcement for awhile.

Could it be that someone in Hollywood put their foot down? Did Hell freeze over!? (Like the Travelocity Gnome says) "Am I going to die now?"

Please don't can the "GI Joe" movie too. Someone told me Marlon Wayans wants to play Heavy Duty but on IMDB it's listed as another actor....

p.s. The Sienna Miller!!???


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