Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Left 4 Dead: When Zombies Attack

A few of us who enjoy blasting zombies away have been discussing this of late and when (if) "Left 4 Dead" from Turtle Rock Studios decides to come out, it might be worth checking in on. After all, how dead sexy is it to have a group of brain thirsty zombies mauling you?

Dat's right! Zombie apocalypse is in your face!

Anyhoo, here's a link to the official site:

And here's a G4 moving pictures exclusive about it:

For those of you who can't get through lots of words uttered by two males, "Left 4 Dead" is basically a 4 person multi-player co-op game set in the present day versus EVIL zombies! Looks like it will be for the PC and the PS3, and according to the FAQs, we're looking for an Autumn 2008 release.

Zombie chop!

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