Monday, December 17, 2007

COD4: No Love For The G36C?

One of my clannies recently picked up his copy of COD4 so my wittle clan and I been playing moar COD4 lately to help him get acquainted with the MP portion of the game. (Poor guy is scared of FPSes and "messing up" so we figured if we showed off how sucky we were--okay, how sucky I was--it would boost his morale a bit.)

Anyhoo, so after a few days absence from the game, it seems that everyone's unlocked their P90s. I used to be able to find more ammo lying around for my sassy G36C but the past few days, zip. I've been forced to scavenge P90s and MP5s off of people's bodies instead. This fact leads me but one conclusion...

BAD MARINES!! Stop using MP5s/P90s so I can loot ammo without wasting a perk on Bandolier. That's right. (Not my fault for going through ammo like water, YOURS!)

My clannies tell me to get rid of you because you're crappy gun but I shall not! (After all, it's the cutest gun out there and matches my turban after all.) But what do they know, they're all LMG fools who haven't seen the dericious goodness that is the Assault Rifle.



Anyhoo, as terrible as my ping is on it, we've been playing on LA Domination a lot. It's got a lot of actual good players though there are definitely some noob tubing/bunny hopping faggots that show up from time to time (they still die when you head shot 'em though). Definitely more of a challenge to get a win on (lots of close games within 5 points). Plus, it's got voice so I can snap at dumb asses that do nothing but crouch in the doorways getting in your way. (And it's JOIZEE not JOSIE that snapped on you, you dirty POS sniper wannabe whore.)

1 comment:

Anthony said...

What's the problem with noobs? God, online gamers are so ridiculously elitist. You pay for the game, you've got as much right as anyone else has to be there. As for the G36C, I think it's ace, and I can't understand why people wouldn't like it. I get owned without it. (Come to think of it, I get owned with it, as well.)