Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Is Coming! (The Obligatory Gifts For Gamers List)

Just two more weeks and for me I'm thinking:

1) Finally investing in a PS3 and/or
2) Rock Band for the 360 if I don't get a PS3.

Also, it's almost time to pre-order "Age of Conan" and get my uber war mammoth to ride.

Other than that, I have to decide whether or not to cancel my HG:L subscription and do a month of "Pirates of the Burning Seas" for a month until AOC instead. Choices choices. (Though right now with no fuckin' content updates, it's looking like it'll be the latter.)

But at any rate, my girlfriends all say I'm difficult to shop for so here's a list of shit any (girl) gamer would be happy to get (too bad I got most of 'em already--WAHAHAHAHA. I can't WAIT for Christmas to play the best games mother fuckers!!)


1) A Wii or a PS3. Lots of good looking games will be coming out for these systems soon including "Smash Brothers" and anything new from the Final Fantasy world:

Wiis are supposed to be $250 if you can find them for that price (LIES), and they recently dropped the price of the 40GB PS3s to like $400 but once again, good luck finding one of these. I have an XBOX 360 ($300) and it ain't bad of a deal at all. Lots of good games to start with including "Mass Effect" or if you must, the console version of "COD4." Boo.

SUPER RICH FOLKS (Please be my friends):

2) A Crysis/AOC capable rig! WOOOT!! Load that mother fucker up! PC Gaming > Console Gaming. Then be sure to pick up COD4, UT3 & Crysis for your face!!


3) Plushies!!

From Square-Enix:


A plush toy of the cute and adorable Chocobo from the FINAL FANTASY and CHOCOBO'S DUNGEON series, dressed in a Santa costume. WHITE MAGE CHOCOBO and BLACK MAGE CHOCOBO are also available.

Price : $19.99

Unfortunately it's sold out from the official S-E store but dude, they're so fuckin' cute, especially the WHM and BLM chocobos. You can pick 'em up for $9 more at one of my fave import shops: NCSX. (I have the Cactuar and Tonberry already and the Tonberry comes with a knife stuck to it's hand with velcro. SO CUTE!)

Mega Slime Plushies

I have a Slime Bess version (the pink one) and holy shit are they comfortable to sleep on. They do run on the expensive side but I think they're worth it. NCSX. $40.

Tachikoma Plush

I have to admit that I was a sucker and bought one of these. They're so fuckin' cute. And they're on fuckin' sale too for YES! Perfect timing!!

4) Crazy Shit For Geeks

The R2D2 Soy Sauce Dispenser and/or Pepper Mill

How fucking awesome is this shit?

STAR WARS R2-D2 Pepper Mill (Sesami Mill)

Dude, I'm so pre-ordering! They're $20 each from Straya-World. I ordered my Slime cell strap from here and they're very fast! There's so much cute shit on this site it's scary (including gold poop themed cell straps) so make sure you have at least an hour to waste. I have the R2D2 dice roller from the "Trivial Pursuit: Star Wars" edition and it rocks.

5) Old Ass Games

If you do not have "Katamari Damacy" yet, or "We Love Katamari," these games are all in your bargain bin or that $20 rack. I still play my copies and it's been years since they came out. If you have the games then you can also invest in the sound tracks for roughly the same price. Awesome! You can get a copy from Amazon. Leaps and bounds better than the 360 version. Tons of year old but excellent games are $20 so snap 'em up like GTA, GT3 and Okami.

6) WTF, Kick Ass Shit

Meet Gloomy Bear. Gloomy Bear will pummel douchebags on your mug for $13. Check out more Gloomy goods and zombie ninja plushes here. Make sure to peruse the "Designer Plush" section for the best goodies.

PO' FOLK (a.k.a., Hobos, People on a budget)

7) Subscriptions

I never thought I would say this, but for $7 a month (cheaper if you go longer), a regular subscription to FilePlanet ain't bad at all. You don't run the risk of downloading infected shit from Gamershell or anything and you get into betas. Just make sure to plan your subscription to coincide with the beta you want to try. Other than that, their download servers are nice and fast and I found myself using it a lot to try other games as well. (I had subbed for Crysis Beta.)

I also did Gamefly for a few months during the Great MMO Drought of 2007 and it wasn't bad either. Their service is PDQ and their games a plentiful. Thank goodness I rented "Viva Pinata" instead of buying it. (I was such a fool for even that, but the cover art appealed to my AZN side.) I don't understand what sort of job raising fuckin' worms brings to people. I think there's a trial for 2 weeks and after that it's like a minium of $8 bucks to get started. Not bad at all.

8) A Pet Monkey or Cubis

If you're reading this category, you're probably cheap or poor (or MMO starved--guilty) and playing F2P games. $5 can get you a monkey for a month in "Silkroad Online!" That's right, have your evil monkey or squirrel or whatever the fuck you can get now steal lootz from botters! Also $5 in "Perfect World" grants you like a gazillion billion cubis to buy stupid shit like pink shoes (while paying for someone's college education in SE Asia.) Make sure to get your cubis from OffGamers!! Don't be a douche and buy gold though. That's bad mmokay.

9) A Month of Loot Runner

Well, Dungeon Runners. As simple as this game is, it's a good distraction for a few weeks. And recently, they've added the ability to TRADE BETWEEN CHARACTERS. ZOMGZ!! (My guildies and I had to hide in a pig pen and drop items in front of each other before this miraculous change.) Also, having an NCSOFT account usually gets you into all their betas...including the possibility of the upcoming AION! Wahaha. No ulterior motives here . :)


10) Not that I would EVER EVER visit a site like this but...QSS is better than Joox mother fuckers!! If you're seriously strapped for cash, download something like "American Gangster" from Stage6, slap it on a disc and voila! Free gift! And while you're at it, get Bitlord as well. *cough cough* Used in conjunction with Isohunt you'll be unstoppable!! Well, that's what my friends say. *cough cough*

...And that's all she wrote for now!!

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