Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Moar Terrible Movies Incoming! The Dragonball Movie & Mortal Kombat the Reboot!

After learning recently about the upcoming "Tekken" movie, I did a bit of digging...and sure enough, I was awarded by some more junk. Hurry for Hollywood is right because only they could dream up movies with the potential of being SO SO terrible that you have no choice but to pay money to watch them (like a train wreck, but infinitely more painful.)

So, first up, Mortal Kombat the Reboot. Lucky for us it will not be based on Mortal Kombat Annihilation. Instead, the director hopes to "recapture the magic of the first movie." ...Wai...what!? When did this magic ever happen!? WHEN!?

Director talks Mortal Kombat reboot
Date : February 8, 2008 Writer : Clint Morris

Filmmaker mink, attached to direct the third installment – or is it a reboot? - of the “Mortal Kombat” movie series, dropped by the compound today to answer questions about the video-game cum film.

The status of the film, as of today, is that “...the Producers are working out their deals with the studio and arranging their financing”, says the director, who helmed Steven Seagal's “Into the Sun”.

mink says the project isn't so much a sequel as it is a “re-envisioning(if that is a word) of the Mortal Kombat franchise from top to bottom. Todays audience is a savvy involved group so the film must be A plus plus in every area in order to capture the magic of the first film. It is taking the entire concept to the next level across the board in every area visual design, story, cast, FX, photography and most importantly the fighting scenes. The original Mortal Kombat game was born a child of many visual loves by the creators at midway so this latest version borrows heavily from that pioneering spirit and must be thought out and executed at the highest level in order for it succeed in today's market place. This is no overnight task.''

Though the IMDB has Christopher Lambert returning as Rayden, mink says casting hasn't begun yet.

“First things first, is the way these larger projects need to be done. It is still in the business stages but once that is squared away all casting options will be explored along with the continued development of the best story line.”

The last we heard the film was supposed to be shot in Louisiana.

''At one point Louisiana was on the table for various reasons. It still maybe in the future if that is appropriate place to work for the picture''.

Though Drew McWeeny and Scott Swan wrote the original draft of the script, “the writing has been handled by the Producers and their writers at Threshold Studios in conjunction with Midway, of course.”

So there you have it. Not quite time to “Fight!” just yet, but when it is, we'll scream “Get Over Here!”.

Meanwhile, the Dragonball movie is coming to us in August 2008 according to IMDB!! YAY!! Here's an old article about it from the Hollywood Reporter. The most awesome thing about this movie, aside Hollywood once more usurping AZN roles from my people and giving them to Canadians and hookers, is that Chow Yun Fat (MR. CHOW YUN FAT to you) will be the dirty Kame Sennin--Roshi or whatever. I'm sure it was the idea of getting "puff puffs" from bitches that sold it to him. Even betterly awesome, it looks like "Spike" from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" will be lean green Piccolo.

I don't know about you, but these movies have the potential of being even more awesomely badder than the Super Mario movie + anything on the Lifetime Movie Channel + "Over Her Dead Body."

Can't wait!!

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