Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dragon Ball Online: The WoW Killah!?

Gamewatch has released a series of screenies of the upcoming (2009) "Dragon Ball Online : Age 1000" MMORPG being developed by Bandai Korea. I ain't a big Dragon Ball fan at all (not since the 80s), but hey, I like to keep up with shit.

Check out this character screen:

From the accompanying article, players will be able to play as Humans, Nameks (the green folks) and Majin (the pink guys) races, and choose from classes like Martial Artist, Chi User and Engineer. Sorry fanbois but Saiyans WILL NOT be playable as the story takes place 250 years after the manga/anime...HOWEVER, players can use a time machine to travel back in time to meet their fave characters like Goku and Vegeta and even Trunks.

PvP will be based on the "Tournament" and have one on one bouts or four vs four team bouts.

Here's a battle versus one of Toriyama's famous dragon critters:

And don't worry, the actual dragon balls will be making an appearance as well. Though collecting them won't grant you a wish, you will instead receive a random rare item.

Alls I know is that if it does make its way to the States, or they develop a Japanese version, I'll definitely check it out! Don't forget to look at more screens at Gamewatch:

p.s. Currently the game will be entering the early beta testing phase over in Korea.

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