Monday, February 25, 2008

Another Server Bites the Dust + (Girls w/ Stupid Names)


Goodbye stupid servers filled of people who think they are godly. It's too bad you guys are so full of yourselves that you can't imagine any one person or any clan being better than you. I can only imagine how the conversations go (names have been changed to protect the stupid):

|EcG|Douchebag: We're so 1337!
|EcG|Camper: Yeah! No one will find me camping back at the spawn (because everyone else I play against in TDM non/HC camps too.)
|EcG|Douchebag: Whoa wait, why are people killing us on our own server?
|EcG|Camper: Yeah! I don't have UAV Jammer and I've been sitting here like FOREVA. HOW COULD THEY HAVE SEEN ME!!!????Eleventyone!!??

Then like half of them alll went to spectator mode to watch people living in reality play/able to shoot a slowly moving targets (hope you learned something). Unable to find any hax going, what else could they do but kick/ban.


Sorry (most) of your guys suck.

On to the next rant!!

If you're going to name yourself SexKitten or GirlwitGun or LadySomething that makes you blatantly a woman, learn to play please. Don't perpetuate the stereotype that we women suck. Practice practice practice and kick some ass. At least try instead of sitting back and spamming the fuckin' chat with:

StupidGirl: Gosh, you guys are so good! XOXOXO
StupidGirl: OMGZ, I'm just a girl!! <3
StupidGirl: Owwwiee! Don't shoot me!



It makes my teeth hurt when chicks do shit like that and give the rest of us a bad name. GTFO if you're trying to find a boyfriend in a fuckin' Public Server. (At least go HC.)

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