Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pole Dancing to Come to the Wii!?

According to an article published today by the NZ Herald:

Pole dancing comes to the Wii

10:56AM Tuesday May 06, 2008
The company that sells Carmen Electra's 'Electra Pole' kit is planning to bring pole dancing to Nintendo Wii.

The company that sells Carmen Electra's 'Electra Pole' kit is planning to bring pole dancing to Nintendo Wii.

After the runaway success of Wii Fit, a pole dancing company is cashing in on the games-meet-fitness phenomena.

Peekaboo, a company which specialises in stripper poles and recently did a deal with Carmen Electra to sell the 'Electra Pole Professional Pole Dancing Kit', announced that it is in negotiations to bring pole dancing to the Nintendo Wii.

It will focus on the 'fun and fitness benefits', rather the seedier origins of pole dancing.

"Peekaboo and its partners are focussed on using Wii friendly hardware to make aerobic pole dancing instantly accessible just as Guitar Hero did for rock'n'roll," the company said in a statement.

It believes that the plans will meet a "mainstream demand" for pole dancing fitness.

"With pole dancing classes springing up in gyms and health clubs across Europe and the USA, the number of women seeking the body-sculpting and fat-burning effects of this aerobic form of exercise has never been greater."

Carmen Electra has confirmed that she will not be involved in the game, said the Peekaboo statement.

There is nothing sexier than a woman straddling a Wii Fit board. DERICIOUS!!

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