Sunday, May 18, 2008

AOC: The Obligatory First Impression

Hurray for obligatory!

So, if you have been visiting this blog, you probably have noticed I've been obsessed of late with AOC despite my own warnings not to get too excited. (I have yet to live down the disappointment that was Vanguard.)

However, I am happy to say that so far, despite the mini late start, I am very very happy with AOC. Although I participated in the Open Beta, things were much too unstable to properly judge the game (I actually didn't have that much trouble, but I know my friends were), but lo and behold, a miracle patch did happen, and the game ran smoothly for me for (I'm ashamed to say this), 12 straight hours before I finally succumbed to sleep.

My friends and I ended up on Thog-PVE (we had planned on going to a FFA PVP server, but got outvoted on that by family members, acquaintances etc), but to be very honest, I haven't missed the spawn killing and gankage that much at all. I'm sure that as time goes by, the PVP servers will mellow out and have some real skilled PVP, but right now, I'm pretty happy to adventure with my friends as we plot our end game sieges.

I rolled a Tempest of Set and managed to get her through Tortage and the Destiny quest line, and I'm very glad that Funcom decided to cap the open beta. The story line, the cutscenes and voice acting are great, and really convey the atmosphere of the Howard books. I recommend going through it once on every character type as each of the stories has a slightly different twist.

Right now, my main group has an awesome balance (ToS, Conqueror, Guardian, Necromancer, Demonologist and Ranger), and we're all enjoying ourselves EVEN during the blasted "Collect 40 Crocodile Skins" quest. Fatalities and nipples help a lot! Heheh.

Really, AOC isn't a revolutionary concept, but they did a good job taking things that worked, tweaking them, and making combat fun again.

Love it so far, and can't wait to go back for moar!

If you're looking for some assholes to play with on Thog, come visit!


Anonymous said...

Indeed Age of Conan is a great game and I also play on Thog.

Great blog!

Gamer Girl said...

Thank you!

We moved over to Hanuman but it's still just as fun there!

Good luck on Thog!