Monday, August 10, 2009

WoW Patch 3.2: The Welfare Epic Extravaganzaaaaaa Rant

I'm not a 48/7 end game raider, nor am I a casual, log in for an hour or two a day player. I play enough to rival anyone in a raiding guild (whether it's productive or not is a different story), and while I'm not infatuated with WoW, I find it to be an entertaining, solid game to play while I wait for things like "Aion" or "Modern Warfare 2" to come out.

But 3.2 is driving me nuts.

In the new 5 man, Trial of the Champion, even on normal, you practically sneeze and a Naxx 10 item gets thrown in your face. Win at the heroic version, and it's Ulduar 10 level loot. And how guilty do I feel getting 5 Conquest Emblems for rolling through H VH!?!?! How many times did I have to suffer through dumb asses running into me with eye beams on Kologarn for one measely badge? HOW MANY?

What next, Blizz? Our own in game bot like in Jade Dynasty so the ridiculously easy road to 80 gets even easier? How about Epics for mounting and dismounting? Better yet, just for logging in?


I do like that casual players and non-raiders are now able to trick themselves out (my friends who don't get to play as much love the patch for allowing them to catch up on gear), but I cannot stand that every single awful, "terribad" player to ever exist is also now able to trick themselves out.

There was quite a bit of incompetance before, but in their sexy new T8s, I've had Tankadins scream bloody murder at me not to AOE because they can't hold aggro on 3 mobs, and cried just a little inside when I see Frost Manges having trouble pulling 1000 dps on the SPIDER WING trash mobs.

Somehow, Gear Score has been equated to being a good player, and the shittiest of the shitty now consider themselves the elite. Just yesterday in H UP, the following conversation took place:

1200 dps Warlock: "Dood, i keepz puling teh agroz i need 2 dps slowwer" (Gear Score: 4200)
1600 dps Paladin: "We r roooooooooling dis jizzoint!" (Gear Score: 4300)
Me: "How much slower can you get?"
Lock: "Nub"
Yeah, I was being catty, but that's after 15 minutes of him boasting about his UBAH dps. Now, I am not the best geared Shadow Priest, nor am I the best player, but suffice to say I was doing over their combined DPS and 20% more over all damage despite having to kite mobs when the Pally tank would forget to put on Righteous Fury. (This happened twice.)

Am I an elitist? Hellz yeah. Because if expecting someone to do their job is being an elitist, I am so there.

Curse you, Aion! September 22nd can't come quick enough. :(

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