Saturday, July 25, 2009

AoC: 14 Day Re-Evaluation Extended! (And I'm a suckah for it.)

Yes yes, the first time this piece of Mail Call surfaced in my inbox proclaiming that my "Level 80 Tempest of Set" was "waiting for me!" I just ignored it. After all, I had family over and I had stuff to do. (Plus, I couldn't remember where my disks were and fuck if I'm gonna' torrent download that shit again.)

Fast forward to today and with a little spring cleaning looking for my Crysis disks, what is sitting underneath but my sexy Collector's Edition. So I check the website and awesome, they extended the deadline to sign up and with two clicks of a mouse, I'm back in!

And reinstalling.

Still on the first disc and not looking forward to downloading the patch, but kinda' excited to see how the game's changed since we first played. (Through Beta and a few months after before as most hard core gamers do--they run out of content that wasn't bugged/broken/non-existent after launch.)

I'm gonna' redo my Bear Shaman this time since I don't remember a thing about my ToS except that we used to be able to plop down fifty billions totems and now have one with a cool down (don't even know if that's still accurate), and check out the new content.

Ladeeedaaaa. Install faster!

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