Monday, July 30, 2007

Tampa Highway & BF2142 Beta Patch 1.40

A guildie and I broke down and installed the 1.40 Beta for BF2142 a while ago and it was a fuckin' blast for tank whores like myself. But before you go off and download it, beware!! If you don't back up your BF folders before hand, you'll have to do a fresh reinstall and repatch (twice if you have Northern Strike) in order to get back into regular 2142 play. Of course, with EA Link, it doesn't take that long, but I read the bitchin' on the official EA forums about it and hey, all I can say is, we were warned.

Anyhoo, Highway Tampa is Shuhia Taiba on vehicle crack. We played a couple hours of conquest and first off, it looks like the game's received a graphic update (? It was like 3 AM in the morning.) The graphics look a ton sharper, although it might just be the pretty skyline and snow fall in the middle of all the sand, the map is HUGE, and there's about 3x as many tanks and walkers as Verdun Conquest (which right now, is my fave tank whoring map.)

As for the firing rate increases for the Clark, I didn't get a chance to use it so I don't know, and I couldn't tell any big different with the Voss for the few minutes I had it whilst raiding an outpost--of course, if you spawn anywhere in Highway Tampa with any kit but Engineer, you're asking for either 1) hours of hiding/running away from tanks or 2) a quick, painful death.

Can't wait to see to see this go live!

To try it out for yourself, visit: EA's Official BF 2142 Site

Just remember to back it up or waste 10 minutes reinstalling.

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