Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn 2 Week Trial

If you're older than the average age of Alliance players in WoW, then you've probably heard of "Ultima". It is after all, "THE OG" MMO. (Scarier than Suge Hill.) Anyhow, if you're curious to see how us old folk used to game back in the day (well, not entirely since this version has a new UI, skill system and graphics engine) and try a game that still has an ass ton of its original gamers saying "best game EVAH", check out this two week free trial offer of "Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn":


For folks who have played before but want to try it out again, here is what "Reborn" has done according to the FAQs page:

Q: What is Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn? Just a new client or more?
A: We are re-drawing the graphics and building a new user interface that will be easier-to-use for players new and old. (At the same time, we're working to give long time players UI options that will let them play almost exactly the way they play now.)

We will be polishing and improving some areas of UO game play, but the core sets of rules, systems and content will remain intact.
The idea is to give current, former, and new players a vibrant, thriving world that looks and plays like it's new, that also takes advantage of Ultima Online's nine years of features, content and culture.

While you're signing up, view the official trailer here.

WARNING: UO does not run on the Unreal 3 engine. It probably doesn't even run on the Unreal 1/4 engine. There are no 30 minute long summons. But hey, give it a go at least :) It's FREEEEEEEEEE! (You do have to enter your CC info however which is sucky.)

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