Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ahhh, It's Time to Exercise Again...

For a while there, I used to work out everyday. (I was a fuckin' maniac in college.) And then after a while, it became, every other day...and then, it was more like, hmm, maybe if I wake up early enough and it's not raining and if urm, I'm not playing "that" game...*cough cough* In the end, the game won out because I'm stupid....

Now, it's not like I haven't played Wii before, but that was when I was exercising. So, today, when I woke up, I was in Ache City. Wow, holy loserville for me. My arms hurt, my back hurts...if only my legs hurt too then we could just call it an exercise day! WAAHH. Maybe if I played Wii and DDR at the same time I could get a really really good work out. Now there's a game. If I could just rig my controllers to my legs some how...

What I need, is for Nintendo to pick up where Sega left off and bring that whack ass Activator Ring back? Like, you got into this infared producing ring and played Mortal Kombat II or something (kick to kick, jump to jump stuff). Now that was a good fuckin' work out. I would totally do something like those DDR work outs on the Wii. (The mats don't work for me since my downstairs neighbours have come knocking on the door to see if "everything is alright" before--true story.)

Ahh, or I guess I could actually venture outside and walk. *snicker*

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