Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Perfect World: Client Speculation

So, I was reading the Perfect World Malaysia Boards to find a concrete date for release and of course everything is still speculation. The earliest date is 8/31/07 and now some new stuffs about September, 2007.

Personally, I hope it's September based on the following posts:

Or next? ::worry:: School will start next month I won't have much free time... ::cry::

yeah, it's sad that they're postponing it this much - because now not as many people are going to play either because they're tired of waiting, or most likely because of school. I know I'm going to have hardly any time to play starting september 9th - because I have school and work and homework. D:

AHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. SUCKAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Get ye to a school you bastards so testing will be all mine mine mine.

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