Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Pique into AVA: Alliance of Valiant Arms

Can we stand to see MOAR FPSs!? Well, I can and this one looks like it might have quite a bit of potential! (Source: Game Watch.)

Running on the Unreal 3.0 Engine like "Gears of War" and "Huxley," AVA, Alliance of Valiant Arms, is a present day, military FPS developed by Korean Redduck and published by Neowiz.

According to the hype, it's supposed to be bloody, beautiful and realistic, and will cater to more high end/high spec machines.

AVA players will pick from 3 classes, Pointman, Rifleman and Sniper. Pointmen will use weapons like MP5 submachineguns, and specialise in rocking it up front and personal. Riflemen will use assault rifles like the AK48/M4, and are able to fight equally well up close and from a distance. And of course, Snipers will be using a *SURPRISE* sniper rifle and their specialty, thanks to their scopes, will be long range combat. Points can be earned in game which can be turned in for goodies to help customise your weapons; for example, purchase a part to increase the firing rate but lower damage output (each part however has a negative/positive to maintain balance). It may be possible to up an individual soldier's skill as well....

Here are some screenies of the customisation:

Awards like medals and ribbons will be received ala Battlefield, and mission types will be Counterstrikeish, up tot 8 vs 8, Death Match, Capture and Set Us Up the Bomb mode. In addition to a number of maps (with names such as SnakeEye and FoxHunting), there are also day and night functions as well for certain maps.

AVA is now in open beta over in Korea, and maybe we'll get to see it soon.

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