Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hellgate: London Note for Alpha Testers...

...which I can't view. *sad*

On the other hand, it does tell me that Alpha is prolly done which in turn means Beta is on its way! You do get some free desktops though if you're a Vista Ultimate user.


Howdy folks. The team here at Flagship have been slaving away on making Hellgate: London absolutely perfect, and all of your feedback has been crucial to the process. That said, here's a little update on where the Alpha stands now, what's changed, and what you can expect in the very near future. Read all about it in the forums by clicking here. Thanks!


PS I know some of you are anxious to get into the Alpha. We'll have some news in the near future regarding this. For now, be patient, stay strong, and know that we want you in as much as you do. As a token our of appreciation, here are some animated Hellgate: London desktops you can use. You have to have Windows Vista Ultimate to make use of them, FYI.

Click here to download them.

Some bitch from the Age of Conan boards posted that she would give a blow job for an alpha/beta key. Honey, I've never been so desperate to blow some dev for a goddamn key. In my world, that's called being a "cock sucking whore"...literally.


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